cvs commit: src/sys/net if.c

Roman Kurakin rik at
Mon Sep 27 03:05:21 PDT 2004

Peter Jeremy wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-Sep-27 12:43:29 +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
>>Hmm, MS have a circuit diagram ->
>I bumped into that as well.  The innards of the PAL aren't documented
>anywhere that I could see and there seems to be quite a lot of logic
>when the only inputs are the PCI clock and the NMI switch.  (Bloated
>design and undocumented internals - sounds familiar :-).
>>Pin 42 is #SERR and the other side of it in ground.
>Does anyone with knowledge of the PCI spec know if just shorting #SERR
>to ground will work?  (Assuming that the BIOS/chipset maps #SERR to NMI).
>I've used a screwdriver on an ISA slot on several occasions but haven't
>tried it on a PCI bus yet.
I wonder if this could solve ISA problem :-)


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