cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/fdformat fdformat.csrc/usr.sbin/fdread fdutil.c

Nate Lawson nate at
Tue Sep 21 11:50:58 PDT 2004

Bruce M Simpson wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 11:23:07PM -0700, Nate Lawson uttered thus:
>>And that, kids, is how BMS got into USB maintainership.
> If I have time I'm certainly willing to roll a patch and test somewhat,
> but I'm certainly NOT in a position to maintain USB or umass, and I'm
> loathe to spend time on something like this, unless someone knows
> specifically how to format a floppy in a USB floppy drive in FreeBSD
> and have it work, so speak up now please.
> Those of you who've been keeping up with ATAng will know that I've done
> stuff broadly related to USB in the past, but that it was largely a shot
> in the dark. I would appreciate review from individuals who know more
> about USB or umass than I do, if I do this work.

A quick survey just now shows about 2/3 of the tree is not actively 
maintained.  The same thing happened to me with umass.  If something 
bugs you enough, fix it.  If it interests you enough, maintain it.

USB has no active maintainers, mostly dabblers.  People who might 
respond to your email re: USB include ticso, imp, iedowse, and brian.


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