cvs commit: src/release Makefile

Robert Watson rwatson at
Mon Sep 20 09:01:13 PDT 2004

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, M. Warner Losh wrote:

> : This is bullshit.  Please do not break PS/2 because of USB.
> : Please fix USB to attach instead.
> Every time this has come up over the past N years, people suggest that. 
> No one has done the work to do that.  There will come a time when the
> default is changed after the install and we really need a many to one
> mux in the kernel to replace the current 1 to 1 mux that we have. 
> People looking to be heros can send it to me for a review and committal.
> :-) 

Someone recently posted a kernel keyboard mux driver to the current@
mailing list.  Someone should do something about that. :-)

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
robert at      Principal Research Scientist, McAfee Research

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