cvs commit: src/release Makefile

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Fri Sep 17 14:47:37 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 14:20, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2004-09-17 13:14, "Bruce A. Mah" <bmah at> wrote:
> > Thanks!  That's a step in the right direction, but the release.8, ftp.1,
> > and cdrom.1 targets also need tweaking to accomodate the removal of this
> > document.  Something like the attached (untested) patch...
> Damn.  I used a lowercase regexp and missed those!  Do we need to test
> this or will you commit it (the 'make release' I started a couple of
> hours ago still runs and hasn't reached this sport yet)!

I'll commit it.  You can add to my pointy hat collection if I break
something but I don't see how this could make release builds *more*
broken than they are already.


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