cvs commit: src/etc devd.conf src/sys/modules Makefilesrc/sys/modules/vge Makefile src/sys/dev/vge if_vge.c if_vgereg.hif_vgevar.h src/sys/dev/mii ciphy.c ciphyreg.h miidevssrc/sys/conf files src/sys/i386/conf GENERIC src/sys/pc98/conf ...

Andre Oppermann andre at
Fri Sep 10 14:38:53 PDT 2004

Bill Paul wrote:
> wpaul       2004-09-10 20:57:46 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     etc                  devd.conf
>     sys/modules          Makefile
>     sys/dev/mii          miidevs
>     sys/conf             files
>     sys/i386/conf        GENERIC
>     sys/pc98/conf        GENERIC
>     sys/amd64/conf       GENERIC
>     usr.sbin/sysinstall  devices.c
>   Added files:
>     sys/modules/vge      Makefile
>     sys/dev/vge          if_vge.c if_vgereg.h if_vgevar.h
>     sys/dev/mii          ciphy.c ciphyreg.h
>   Log:
>   Add device driver support for the VIA Networking Technologies
>   VT6122 gigabit ethernet chip and integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY.
>   The vge driver has been added to GENERIC for i386, pc98 and amd64,
>   but not to sparc or ia64 since I don't have the ability to test
>   it there. The vge(4) driver supports VLANs, checksum offload and
>   jumbo frames.

You are my hero!  I've got two of those cards (one 64bit PCI and one 32bit)
gathering dust.  The kernel recompile is on the way...

How well designed is the VT6122?  Is it good or more on the 'it works' side?


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