cvs commit: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common new.sgml

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sun Sep 5 09:58:38 PDT 2004

"Bruce A. Mah" <bmah at> wrote
  in <1094399942.767.7.camel at localhost>:

bmah> In the following hunk, the article "the" probably shouldn't be added
bmah> because there is already an article "an" on the previous line.  I didn't
bmah> want to just revert the change because it modifies one of my prior
bmah> changes; this could give the (incorrect) impression of a backout war.

 True.  I will fix it soon.  Thanks for pointing out.

bmah> I like that the markup for library names is now consistent.  I'm not
bmah> 100% sure that <application></application> is the best choice; I usually
bmah> used <filename></filename>.  But in any case I think this change was an
bmah> improvement.

 Ah, actually I am still floating between the two (<application> and
 <filename role="library"> or so)  While using <filename> is good
 for consistency since it is also used for a package name, I think libfoo
 is a component, not just a filename... So <application> is used just
 to keep consistency for now.  Anyway, let me sleep on it ;)

| Hiroki SATO
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