cvs commit: src UPDATING

Robert Watson rwatson at
Thu Sep 2 20:17:14 PDT 2004

rwatson     2004-09-03 03:17:14 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_5)
    .                    UPDATING 
  Merge UPDATING:1.351 to RELENG_5:
    date: 2004/08/28 17:08:30;  author: rwatson;  state: Exp;  lines: +13 -0
    Add an updating entry for the recent change in network stack locking
    default for debug.mpsafenet, pointing at the recent announcement and
    things to try if instability is experienced.
  Approved by:    re (scottl)
  Revision   Changes    Path
  1.342.2.3  +13 -0     src/UPDATING

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