cvs commit: ports/mail/p5-MIME-Tools/files patch-Parser-MaxParts

Martin Blapp mbr at
Thu Sep 2 15:28:23 PDT 2004

mbr         2004-09-02 22:28:22 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Added files:
    mail/p5-MIME-Tools/files patch-Parser-MaxParts 
  Limits the number of MIME parts we will parse.
  Normally, instances of this class parse a message to the bitter end.
  Messages with many MIME parts can cause excessive memory consumption.
  If you invoke this method, parsing will abort with a die() if a message
  contains more than NUM parts.
  Submitted by:   David F. Skoll <dfs at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +81 -0     ports/mail/p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Parser-MaxParts (new)

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