cvs commit: src/sys/boot/i386/loader Makefile loader.rc
Garance A Drosihn
drosih at
Sun Nov 28 19:07:31 PST 2004
At 1:32 AM +0000 11/29/04, Scott Long wrote:
> Log:
> Disable the beastie menu. It offends some and annoys everyone
> else, and I'm frankly tired of the controversy. When people
> ask me why FreeBSD isn't user-friendly, I'll tell them that I
> tried. RIP.
Huh. I liked the idea of a menu of options there. I could do
without the beastie image, and thus maybe have a much shorter menu.
And I think the timer would work better at the top, so that the
*first* thing you read is how to pause the timer. But I liked the
idea of the menu there, with a few common options. I even listed
that as "one of the nice things added to 5.3" (compared to 4.x-
series) at some recent presentations...
Garance Alistair Drosehn = gad at
Senior Systems Programmer or gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or drosih at
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