cvs commit: www/fr/releng index.sgml www/fr support.sgml

Stephane Legrand stephane at
Sun Nov 7 07:24:56 PST 2004

stephane    2004-11-07 15:24:56 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    fr/releng            index.sgml 
    fr                   support.sgml 
  Merge from the English version:
    1.5   -> 1.120 fr/releng/index.sgml
    1.317 -> 1.341 fr/support.sgml
  Submitted by: N.C. <nicolas _at_ titoon _dot_ net>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +262 -70   www/fr/releng/index.sgml
  1.7       +263 -900  www/fr/support.sgml

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