cvs commit: src/sys/dev/em if_em.c

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at
Wed Nov 3 08:39:23 PST 2004

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 09:37:42AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
> > because sometimes you might need to enable some MAC-based filter
> > before you have a chance to access the box. e.g. to set dhcp/bootp
> > anbd the like.
> > I think the link-up/link-down thing is different because it
> > happens not just at boot but also whenever the link status
> > changes (e.g. when a spanning tree on a switch detects a
> bootverbose.  Situations like what you are saying are rare and/or
> one-time occurances.  And if you look at drivers like if_ath(no offense 

ok, but that one time is precisely when you have little or
no chance to intervene. Anyways, as long as you keep the MAC
printout on by default i am happy :)


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