cvs commit: ports/math/gnuplot Makefile

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Sun Jun 27 17:02:08 PDT 2004

V po, 28. 06. 2004 v 01:52, Greg Lewis píše:

> >   FreeBSD ports repository
> > 
> >   Modified files:
> >     math/gnuplot         Makefile 
> >   Log:
> >   Fix OPTIONS
> >   
> >   PR:             ports/68388
> >   Submitted by:   Ports Fury
> So, what exactly is wrong with doing
> .if defined(WITH_OPTION)
> stuff
> .else
> other stuff
> .endif
> that
> .if defined(WITHOUT_OPTION)
> other stuff
> .else
> stuff
> .endif
> fixes?  The only thing I can think of is that it may be prefered to test the
> WITHOUT_OPTION variable when the default is on.  Is that it?

In the unattended build, when no OPTIONS dialog is displayed, you don't
have any WITH* and WITHOUT* variables set. Your port should behave as if
default values were selected.


Default is to have OPTION on. When no WITH/WITHOUT* variables are
generated, your test

.if defined(WITH_OPTION)

will fail. That's now the default you wanted. If you check instead

.if !defined(WITHOUT_OPTION)

it will work correctly in case OPTIONS were not processed. This nicely
demonstrates in unattended build on packages on Bento, for example.

> Also, why wasn't the PR assigned to the maintainer (me :)?

Ask krion :)

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

lofi> My _sympathetic_ opinion about kdevelop is that it's a huge pile
of shit that might at least work okay if used in Linux.
lofi> My neutral opinion is that it's just a huge pile of shit.
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