cvs commit: src/sys/dev/sound/pcm mixer.c

Josef El-Rayes josef at
Tue Jun 22 12:24:07 PDT 2004

John Baldwin <jhb at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 June 2004 01:22 pm, Nate Lawson wrote:
> > You should reconsider the tunable location.  I think we use "hw" as the
> > top-level device string.  Also, couldn't this be done with the mixer
> > settings rc script?
> Yes, this actually won't do anything since the mixer script will resume 
> whatever settings were present at the last shutdown and that will override 
> the tunables.

hmm, strange, i did not notice the mixer script interfering with
the values i set in kenv, do you have to set some initial value
or enable the script explicitely (i have not used rcng yet i have no idea).

greets, josef
Josef El-Rayes                   (__)
Email:	  josef at     \\\'',) 
Web:     \/  \ ^
FreeBSD:  josef at     .\._/_)
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