cvs commit: src/sys/sys mbuf.h src/sys/kern uipc_mbuf.c uipc_syscalls.c src/usr.bin/netstat mbuf.c src/lib/libc/sys sendfile.2

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Thu Jun 17 14:42:33 PDT 2004

* Max Khon <fjoe at> [040617 13:49] wrote:
> Hi, Ken!
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 02:45:18PM -0400, Ken Smith wrote:
> > > > This will break scripts.
> > > > 
> > > > Please back out the netstat change.
> > > 
> > > No problems, but can you tell me which scripts or programs
> > > has become broken after this change?
> > 
> > The scripts that are now potentially broken don't necessarily need to
> > be in the base system.
> I did not say that I am interested in base system scripts only :)
> > They could very well be scripts Alfred wrote
> > and uses himself for his own purposes.  Once a branch goes into -STABLE
> > status we try to not make 'user-visible' changes to it unless they are
> > bugfixes or do not alter the way something had worked.
> As Bosko noted the change _adds_ a few lines to netstat -m output.
> Old output is not altered.
> Frankly speaking I can't imagine a script that could correctly parse
> netstat -m output before, but now is broken.

Then you don't understand the idea of "compatibility" and should not
be committing to releng4.  Ever.

Thank you to Ken Smith for putting this down in a way that expresses
the concerns I had. 

- Alfred Perlstein
- Research Engineering Development Inc.
- email: bright at cell: 408-480-4684

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