cvs commit: src/sys/amd64/conf GENERIC

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Mon Jun 14 12:24:23 PDT 2004

* John Baldwin <jhb at> [040614 11:57] wrote:
> I'm betting it is just triggering a race.  When I first did the adaptive 
> mutexes I stress tested it (-j <bignum> buildworld loops) on an ultra60, an 
> alpha ds20, and a quad pii-xeon w/o any lockups.

Just a side note, I think it's the Berkeley DB's recent code that
will spin a number of times based on the number of CPUs present in
the system.  Meaning, it might make sense to spin more on a quad
than on a dual proc machine.  It might be worth checking this out.

- Alfred Perlstein
- Research Engineering Development Inc.
- email: bright at cell: 408-480-4684

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