cvs commit: doc/share/sgml freebsd.ent

Murray Stokely murray at
Mon Jul 12 22:45:53 PDT 2004

murray      2004-07-13 05:45:52 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    share/sgml           freebsd.ent 
  The acronym 'NIS' is used over 150 times in the network-servers
  chapter alone of the Handbook.  Add an entity here, used with ⋼,
  so that we can mark up each of those with <acronym>NIS</acronym>
  without bloating the source SGML files too much.  We shouldn't add
  every such acronym here, but in the case of NIS it really helps the
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.55      +1 -0      doc/share/sgml/freebsd.ent

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