cvs commit: ports/dns/dnstracer Makefile distinfo ports/dns/dnstracer/files patch-dnstracer.c

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Thu Jul 8 04:29:29 PDT 2004

edwin       2004-07-08 11:29:29 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    dns/dnstracer        Makefile distinfo 
  Removed files:
    dns/dnstracer/files  patch-dnstracer.c 
  Upgrade to version 1.8
          - Better handling of timeout (instead of a static value,
            start with five seconds and double it each retry)
          - Warnings are printed if you receive a different RR type
            than the one you asked for (for example when you ask for
            an A record and receive a CNAME)
          - Fixed problems when records received in the authority
            field are shorter than the domain the nameserver is
            authoritative for.
          - When compiled without IPv6 support on an IPv6 capable
            machine the machine tried to query the IPv6 translated
            IPv5 address anyway.
          - -C caches hosts which haven't answered too.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +1 -2      ports/dns/dnstracer/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -2      ports/dns/dnstracer/distinfo
  1.2       +0 -11     ports/dns/dnstracer/files/patch-dnstracer.c (dead)

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