cvs commit: src/sys/kern vfs_mount.c vfs_subr.c src/sys/sys mount.h src/sys/nfsclient nfs.h nfs_bio.c nfs_socket.c nfs_vfsops.c nfs_vnops.c nfsmount.h

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Tue Jul 6 02:12:03 PDT 2004

alfred      2004-07-06 09:12:03 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/kern             vfs_mount.c vfs_subr.c 
    sys/sys              mount.h 
    sys/nfsclient        nfs.h nfs_bio.c nfs_socket.c nfs_vfsops.c 
                         nfs_vnops.c nfsmount.h 
  NFS mobility PHASE I, II & III (phase VI, and V pending):
  Rebind the client socket when we experience a timeout.  This fixes
  the case where our IP changes for some reason.
  Signal a VFS event when NFS transitions from up to down and vice
  Add a placeholder vfs_sysctl where we will put status reporting
  Make down NFS mounts return EIO instead of EINTR when there is a
  soft timeout or force unmount in progress.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.132     +2 -2      src/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c
  1.505     +1 -1      src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c
  1.82      +13 -2     src/sys/nfsclient/nfs.h
  1.133     +37 -19    src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_bio.c
  1.110     +170 -61   src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_socket.c
  1.151     +26 -0     src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_vfsops.c
  1.219     +11 -12    src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_vnops.c
  1.27      +10 -0     src/sys/nfsclient/nfsmount.h
  1.166     +1 -1      src/sys/sys/mount.h

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