cvs commit: www/en navigation.xml

Roman Kurakin rik at
Fri Jul 2 09:21:47 PDT 2004

Wilko Bulte wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 09:29:12PM +0400, Roman Kurakin wrote:
>>Colin Percival wrote:
>>>cperciva    2004-06-29 18:30:12 UTC
>>>FreeBSD doc repository (src committer)
>>>Modified files:
>>>  en                   navigation.xml 
>>>Replace "List of needs" by "Donations Wantlist", to reflect
>>>the actual nature of the page being linked to.
>>"FreeBSD Developers Want List" page has a sentence "This page lists 
>>various developer hardware needs."
>>Since "pony" not a hardware, I think this should be fixed smth like this:
>But a pony is also no software?  Hmm...
Yea, and not a book, it fits to all other that could help in development 
(in case the brains produce
more ideas while riding a pony, or pony-bus is the fastest way to get 
from rest place to freebsd
devel place since increasing traffic jam problem ;-) or smt else that I 
can't even imagine.

But seriously what do you think about my suggestion? And who may take 
this clean up
"hardware word problem" task since I don't believe I can do this 
according to my English skills.

Also while I am here I have some other task for doc@ guys. Some changes 
made by rwatson@
in network API need to be documented, any volunteers?


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