cvs commit: src/sbin/dmesg dmesg.c

Dmitry Morozovsky marck at
Thu Feb 5 15:29:34 PST 2004

On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Ian Dowse wrote:

ID> iedowse     2004/02/05 13:07:50 PST
ID>   FreeBSD src repository
ID>   Modified files:
ID>     sbin/dmesg           dmesg.c
ID>   Log:
ID>   Don't print the oldest line in the message buffer if the buffer is
ID>   full, since that line is almost always incomplete. Make the parsing
ID>   of <%d> lines more strict.
ID>   Also simplify the logic a little:
ID>    - Start off by making the buffer linear so that we don't have to
ID>      deal with it wrapping around (suggested by bde).
ID>    - Process line by line rather than byte at a time.

Any plans of MFSing this? We encounter this problem with every machine with
IPFW logging turned on (at least with daily security mail reports).

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at ***

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