cvs commit: ports/x11-themes/gtk-aluminumalloy-cryogenic-theme pkg-plist ports/x11-themes/gtk-aluminumalloy-smog-theme pkg-plist ports/x11-themes/gtk-aluminumalloy-toxic-theme pkg-plist ports/x11-themes/gtk-aluminumalloy-volcanic-theme pkg-plist

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Tue Dec 21 02:03:41 PST 2004

On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 01:32:09AM -0600, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> Why not depend on gtk and metacity? You can't use those theme without gtk  
> and metacity. If you depend on those and you won't have that pkg-plist  
> problem. Suggest to change like this:
> ==========================================
> .if ${TYPE} == "gtk"
> +USE_GNOME=gtk20
> THEME_DIR=${PREFIX}/share/themes/${THEME_NAME}
> PLIST_SUB+=METACITY="@comment "
> .else# metacity
> +USE_GNOME=metacity
> THEME_DIR=${PREFIX}/share/gnome/themes/${THEME_NAME}
> PLIST_SUB+=GTK20="@comment "
> .endif
> ==========================================

Hm..  I generally tend to not pulling in additional dependencies unless there is
an absolute need for doing so.  But I'll condsider your suggestion, thanks!

> But, what if a user want to have both gtk and metacity?

There're corresponding metacity-* things exactly for that purpose.


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