cvs commit: src/sys/geom geom_gpt.c

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Sat Dec 4 22:02:23 PST 2004

marcel      2004-12-05 06:02:21 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/geom             geom_gpt.c 
  o  Don't limit GPT as a rank 2 provider. Allow it to be connected
     anywhere in the DAG. This includes configurations that are not
     allowed by the EFI specification.
  o  Reject a GPT partition table if it's not preceeded by a PMBR.
     There's no need to preserve the MBR partitioning anymore as GPT
     is mature and with the first bullet extending the applicability
     of GPT, it's better to be a bit more strict.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.31      +25 -17    src/sys/geom/geom_gpt.c

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