cvs commit: ports/irc/insub Makefile distinfo

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Sat Dec 4 15:58:14 PST 2004

alfred      2004-12-04 23:58:13 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    irc/insub            Makefile distinfo 
  Update to 9.6.
  9.6: Sat Dec  4 14:47:12 PST 2004
         * fix critical bug in arg processing
  9.5: Sat Dec  4 01:17:37 PST 2004
         * moved -exec command into process(), so irssi can use it
         * fix bug that wouldn't let '0' be printed by itself
         * add -repeat flag ("-repeat 3 foo" becomes foofoofoo)
         * fix bug that would prevent a single character from displaying
         * retool -sine iterator a little better
         * minor code cleanup
         * make both -wave and -sine do the same thing
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.22      +3 -1      ports/irc/insub/Makefile
  1.16      +2 -2      ports/irc/insub/distinfo

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