operation of addport & modulesupdate in particular (was Re: cvs commit: CVSROOT modules)

Tilman Linneweh arved at FreeBSD.org
Thu Dec 2 05:15:27 PST 2004

* Will Andrews [2004-12-02 02:46]:
> >   X-Mas whish:    Santa Claus, please fix addport for me
> Nothing wrong with it; been using it since I wrote it almost 5
> years ago, without any trouble.  It can be blamed for several
> thousand CVSROOT/modules changes since then.  :)
> My usual reply to this recurring issue is:

Yes I know this, that's why I asked Santa and not you to fix it :-).

> Make sure your ssh configuration works the way it does, i.e. can
> ssh to freefall from committing location and subsequently from
> there to repoman - usually involves ssh-agent or another key that
> is local to the freebsd.org cluster.

modulesupdate worked for me nearly two years and dozens of ports, but oneday
it stopped (between Feb 13 and May 22). I am still committing from the 
same machines, i can ssh to freefall and further to repoman without 
entering a passphrase. So I have no idea, why modulesupdate does not
like me anymore, but i still believe in Santa Claus' ability to fix it :-)


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