cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_fw2.c ip_fw_pfil.c

Andre Oppermann andre at
Thu Aug 19 10:59:27 PDT 2004

andre       2004-08-19 17:59:26 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/netinet          ip_fw2.c ip_fw_pfil.c 
  Do not unconditionally ignore IPDIVERT and IPFIREWALL_FORWARD when building
  the ipfw KLD.
   For IPFIREWALL_FORWARD this does not have any side effects.  If the module
   has it but not the kernel it just doesn't do anything.
   For IPDIVERT the KLD will be unloadable if the kernel doesn't have IPDIVERT
   compiled in too.  However this is the least disturbing behaviour.  The user
   can just recompile either module or the kernel to match the other one.  The
   access to the machine is not denied if ipfw refuses to load.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.72      +0 -2      src/sys/netinet/ip_fw2.c
  1.3       +0 -2      src/sys/netinet/ip_fw_pfil.c

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