Attitude problems? (was: cvs commit: src/tools/debugscripts README kgdb

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Mon Aug 9 22:23:55 PDT 2004

On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 02:16:51PM +0930, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> > and we haven't had any interactions at all. What are you talking
> > about?
> Yes we have.  I sent you a question about the new kernel debugging
> framework.  Your reply was very unhelpful (one word), and you didn't
> reply to my followup question.

So? I was simply too busy to answer questions about why DDB changed
to KDB when it was obvious that you only saw the commit to vinum.
If you bothered to follow what I did, you wouldn't have asked that
question. Nobody else needed to ask that question.

I'm sorry if you felt ignored, but I had more important things on my mind.

> But don't let it worry you.  It's not
> as if you're anywhere close to being the main cause of my loss of
> interest in FreeBSD.

I see. You used jmg's response to fire at me for something that doesn't
relate to what jmg@ said and doesn't even merit such an attack and now
you use my response to fire from the hip at the rest of the world for
whatever got you frustrated. I don't think anybody was waiting for this,

 Marcel Moolenaar	  USPA: A-39004		 marcel at

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