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John Baldwin jhb at
Mon Aug 9 11:44:38 PDT 2004

On Friday 06 August 2004 06:00 pm, Mark Murray wrote:
> Paul Richards writes:
> > It doesn't however follow that FreeBSD is always exempt from export
> > controls because it might not be if your exporting it as a product, even
> > if that product is just FreeBSD on a CD.
> This is just plain incorrect. If it is Open Source, it is exportable.
> >                                          We'll always need to support
> > the ability to build non-crypto releases so that it can be safely
> > embedded in products that don't need crypto without encumbering the end
> > product with a requirement for an export license.
> We have the ability to build a NOCRYPT _world_. For people building
> appliances, that is sufficient. But people building appliances have
> control over the whole manufacturing process, and the crypto-nature
> of the product is therefore up to them. Open-source the OS on their
> product; no problem. Make it closed source and deal with export
> conditions.
> The ability to build NOCRYPT _releases_ is irrelevant.

Hmm, we build the release for our "embedded" device using the FreeBSD release 
scripts and install using sysinstall config scripts.  I don't think it is too 
much of a stretch to imagine that other people making appliances might do the 

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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