cvs commit: ports/security Makefile ports/net Makefile ports MOVED ports/net/netwib Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist ports/net/netwib/files patch-config.dat

Sergey Matveychuk sem at
Sun Aug 1 01:55:10 PDT 2004

sem         2004-08-01 08:54:59 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    security             Makefile 
    net                  Makefile 
    .                    MOVED 
    net/netwib           Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist 
    net/netwib/files     patch-config.dat 
  * lcrzo library was renamed to netwib
  * update to 5.20.0 and move to net category
  * new maintainer
  PR:             ports/69608
  Submitted by:   Janos Mohacsi <janos.mohacsi at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.486     +2 -1      ports/MOVED
  1.1336    +1 -0      ports/net/Makefile
  1.8       +22 -22    ports/net/netwib/Makefile
  1.5       +4 -2      ports/net/netwib/distinfo
  1.2       +20 -14    ports/net/netwib/files/patch-config.dat
  1.2       +15 -8     ports/net/netwib/pkg-descr
  1.3       +133 -34   ports/net/netwib/pkg-plist
  1.535     +0 -1      ports/security/Makefile

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