cvs commit: src/sys/pci agp_intel.c

Wilko Bulte wkb at
Sat Apr 3 09:06:47 PST 2004

On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 05:24:37AM -0800, Peter Edwards wrote:
> peadar      2004/04/03 05:24:37 PST
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     sys/pci              agp_intel.c 
>   Log:
>   Before MFC'ing the previous commit, I noticed I'd left out a case.
>   Add in missing case for i845G in the attach routine. I'll MFC this
>   with the rest of the change after the 4.10 codefreeze lifts.

There aint no code freeze yet pardner.. ;)

"As threatened last month, the 4.10 release cycle is about to begin.
Code freeze starts at 12pm MDT on April 7 and lasts until the
RELENG_4_10 branch happens on April 20.  We are planning on one BETA 
and two RCs before the final release on May 5.  At this point I'd like.. "

Wilko Bulte				wilko at

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