cvs commit: ports/net/ipfm pkg-plist

Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira lioux at
Tue Sep 30 19:48:48 PDT 2003

On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 08:02:56AM +0800, Yen-Ming Lee wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 04:42:38PM +0200, Anton Berezin wrote:
> > Despite the undeniable usefulness of the change, would not this commit
> > make the port broken (plist) by bento cluster definition?
> > \Anton.
> I think NO, because that directory isn't in ${PREFIX}, but in /var.

	If a file IS installed by the port and not removed, it is
flagged in bento. Wherever that file lies.

	However, IF the logs are only created when the port is
ran, bento will not complain. Nonetheless, users should be warned
that port leaves files behind when it is uninstalled.

	Please, add something in pkg-message or a '@unexec echo ...'
line in pkg-plist. Specially since this seems a change in the port
past behavior. POLA change.

Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brazil - "I guess this is a signature."
FreeBSD Committer | FreeBSD-KDE Core Team | CS Developer
feature, n: a documented bug | bug, n: an undocumented feature
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