cvs commit: projects/cvsweb ChangeLog INSTALL cvsweb.cgi
competewithclass at
competewithclass at
Fri Sep 26 12:28:31 PDT 2003
You are including someone on your email list:
a) who has not requested to be this on this list;
b) who you are interefering with their business, volunteer, and personal email;
c) who has attempted to be removed from this list for several days with no
d) who is a small business and a representative of over 8 youth organizations
and is interfering with our effectiveness to relay messages because we are too
busy deleting your messages;
e) Members who are sending us emails back with negative and/or rude messages
are having us consider other measures to have these emails come to a stop. Not
only are they a disturbance but they are also a poor reflection of your
Therefore... please help us ...if you see any of the following addresses on
your lists please delete: KolMerOnline at, KolMer at,
CompetewithClass at, CompeteWithClass at;
LadyTrojansJVCoach at
As a small business and a director on over 8 non profit (volunteer)
organizations this has become a major problem.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
> scop 2003/09/26 12:16:05 PDT
> FreeBSD projects repository
> Modified files:
> cvsweb ChangeLog INSTALL cvsweb.cgi
> Log:
> Pulling in the huge CGI module only for the sake of query string parsing
> isn't quite worth it. Revert to a homebrew implementation, use URI::Escape
> and grok semicolons as separators.
> Revision Changes Path
> 1.102 +7 -0 projects/cvsweb/ChangeLog
> 1.15 +1 -1 projects/cvsweb/INSTALL
> 1.202 +35 -23 projects/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi
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