cvs commit: projects/cvsweb ChangeLog INSTALL cvsweb.cgi

Ville Skyttä scop at
Fri Sep 26 12:16:06 PDT 2003

scop        2003/09/26 12:16:05 PDT

  FreeBSD projects repository

  Modified files:
    cvsweb               ChangeLog INSTALL cvsweb.cgi 
  Pulling in the huge CGI module only for the sake of query string parsing
  isn't quite worth it.  Revert to a homebrew implementation, use URI::Escape
  and grok semicolons as separators.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.102     +7 -0      projects/cvsweb/ChangeLog
  1.15      +1 -1      projects/cvsweb/INSTALL
  1.202     +35 -23    projects/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi

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