cvs commit: ports/editors/ooodict-all Makefile distinfo

Martin Blapp mbr at
Thu Sep 25 16:52:09 PDT 2003

mbr         2003/09/25 16:52:07 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    editors/ooodict-all  Makefile distinfo 
  Sync distfiles with reality. There is more work needed since there
  are tons of new lang dicts and hyphen dicts.
  The distfile only contain data-files, so nobody has to worry about changed
  md5 checksums.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.20      +9 -10     ports/editors/ooodict-all/Makefile
  1.7       +31 -41    ports/editors/ooodict-all/distinfo

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