cvs commit: ports/audio/easytag Makefile ports/benchmarks/siege Makefile ports/devel/ccache Makefile ports/devel/distcc Makefile ports/irc/dancer Makefile ports/mail/dkimap4 Makefile ports/mail/dovecot Makefile ports/net/honeyd Makefile ...

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Wed Sep 24 01:37:40 PDT 2003

edwin       2003/09/24 01:37:39 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    audio/easytag        Makefile 
    benchmarks/siege     Makefile 
    devel/ccache         Makefile 
    devel/distcc         Makefile 
    irc/dancer           Makefile 
    mail/dkimap4         Makefile 
    mail/dovecot         Makefile 
    net/honeyd           Makefile 
    net/libdnet          Makefile 
    net/mutella          Makefile 
    net/pen              Makefile 
    news/diablo          Makefile 
    security/fragroute   Makefile 
    security/nmap        Makefile 
    www/apache2          Makefile 
    www/scout            Makefile 
    x11-fonts/artwiz-fonts Makefile 
  Cease FreeBSD port maintainerships
          I don't have the time to give to many of the ports I maintain at
          the moment. I wasn't expecting to be so busy this summer ...
          Please set all my ports back to ports at
  PR:             ports/56935
  Submitted by:   Dominic Marks <dom at>,Clement Laforet <sheepkiller at>,Oliver Eikemeier <eikemeier at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.24      +1 -1      ports/audio/easytag/Makefile
  1.14      +1 -1      ports/benchmarks/siege/Makefile
  1.16      +1 -1      ports/devel/ccache/Makefile
  1.29      +1 -1      ports/devel/distcc/Makefile
  1.4       +1 -1      ports/irc/dancer/Makefile
  1.13      +1 -1      ports/mail/dkimap4/Makefile
  1.19      +1 -1      ports/mail/dovecot/Makefile
  1.9       +1 -1      ports/net/honeyd/Makefile
  1.11      +1 -1      ports/net/libdnet/Makefile
  1.11      +1 -1      ports/net/mutella/Makefile
  1.12      +1 -1      ports/net/pen/Makefile
  1.23      +1 -1      ports/news/diablo/Makefile
  1.10      +1 -1      ports/security/fragroute/Makefile
  1.71      +1 -1      ports/security/nmap/Makefile
  1.150     +1 -1      ports/www/apache2/Makefile
  1.8       +1 -1      ports/www/scout/Makefile
  1.10      +1 -1      ports/x11-fonts/artwiz-fonts/Makefile

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