cvs commit: src/share/examples/cvsup cvs-supfile doc-supfile gnats-supfile ports-supfile stable-supfile standard-supfile www-supfile

Eivind Eklund eivind at
Thu Sep 18 01:19:40 PDT 2003

eivind      2003/09/18 01:19:39 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    share/examples/cvsup cvs-supfile doc-supfile gnats-supfile 
                         ports-supfile stable-supfile 
                         standard-supfile www-supfile 
  Update comment about compression to refer to CPU limitations instead of T1s
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.38      +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/cvs-supfile
  1.8       +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
  1.6       +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/gnats-supfile
  1.28      +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
  1.27      +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile
  1.22      +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile
  1.5       +3 -1      src/share/examples/cvsup/www-supfile

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