cvs commit: src/sbin/ifconfig ifieee80211.c

Sam Leffler sam at
Wed Sep 17 12:55:36 PDT 2003

> On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 12:27:43 -0700, Sam Leffler wrote:
>> sam         2003/09/17 12:27:43 PDT
>>   FreeBSD src repository
>>   Modified files:
>>     sbin/ifconfig        ifieee80211.c 
>>   Log:
>>   o add support for setting 128-bit WEP keys
>>   o use IEEE80211_KEYBUF_SIZE instead of magic numbers
>>   o distinguish between 40-, 104-, and 128-bit WEP keys when printing
>>   status
>>   Revision  Changes    Path
>>   1.7       +7 -4      src/sbin/ifconfig/ifieee80211.c
> My Netgear router also claims to support 152-bit (and I think 64 bit, I
> can check when I get home) WEP keys.  You have to specify the 152-bit key
> manually, though, instead of using their web-based Javascript code to
> generate the key from a passphrase.
> Can we support 152-bit (and 64-bit) keys as well?

The in-kernel storage is currently limited to 128-bit keys.  There is major
work  needed in this area to support larger keys and AES but it's not a
simple matter.  Since WEP is basically useless (regardless of the key
length) I don't think it's worth the effort to support larger keys right
now.  (I only fixed the 128-bit keys because it didn't require modifying
the kernel.)  Oh and 64-bit keys just get zero-padded to 104 bits so that's
not really important.


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