cvs commit: src/sys/dev/uart uart_bus_pccard.c src/sys/modules/uart Makefile

Takahashi Yoshihiro nyan at
Mon Sep 15 09:01:26 PDT 2003

In article <20030915.090257.46316981.imp at>
"M. Warner Losh" <imp at> writes:

> Hopefully we can get a i8251 module that's suitable for the enhanced
> 8251 that's in the PC98 machines.  I've been translating some japanese
> documents for him, but I don't know what he'll be able to do.  The
> current i8251 driver is literally the ns8250 module with the only the
> name change (the two parts are radically different, so there's no
> chance this will work).

First we should support the ns8250 module on pc98.  I found several
problems to work on pc98.

Then, I'm wondering about how to support multiport devices.  Current
resource management system does not work for discontinuous resources.
I think that we must fix this problem.

TAKAHASHI Yoshihiro <nyan at>

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