cvs commit: ports/editors/openoffice-devel Makefile

Don Lewis truckman at
Mon Sep 8 21:18:46 PDT 2003

On  8 Sep, Glenn Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 08:21:54AM -0700, Martin Blapp wrote:
>> mbr 2003/09/08 08:21:54 PDT
>>   FreeBSD ports repository
>>   Modified files:
>>     editors/openoffice-devel Makefile 
>>   Log:
>>   Compiles again with system gcc on 5.x.
> How does one manage to get jdk14, which openoffice-devel depends on, to 
> build on 5.x?

Greg Lewis has posted three patches to the java@ list, which I found by
browsing the list archives.  I don't know why the largest of the three
hasn't been commited, but the other two are just supposed to be quick

After applying these three patches, I found another syntax error in
j2se/src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c (a quoted string
split across two lines).  After I patched that problem, I was able to
successfully build the port, but I have not yet tested it.

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