cvs commit: src/sys/net if_ethersubr.c
Daniel C. Sobral
dcs at
Fri Sep 5 06:08:46 PDT 2003
Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 10:41:02 -0400 (EDT)
> Robert Watson <rwatson at> wrote:
>>mind. The other thing we should encourage developers to do more is use
>>code coverage tools -- phk recently pointed me at kernbb(8) as a way to
>>feed gcov(1).
> Documenting the various tools and how to use them on FreeBSD would be a
> nice start. Maybe the interested parties can come up with a list of
> programs and maybe a short introduction what those tools do/provide and
> a link to documentation and hand them over to the doc people...
A section 7 man page? Also, it would be nice if intro(7) had an index to
the man pages in this section. Of course, getting people to write about
the existing tools and their usage is the hardest part...
Daniel C. Sobral (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail: Daniel.Capo at
Daniel.Sobral at
dcs at
dcs at
dcs at
capo at
Now that I have my "APPLE", I comprehend COST ACCOUNTING!!
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