cvs commit: src/share/mk

David O'Brien obrien at
Thu Sep 4 07:01:32 PDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 12:27:55PM +0300, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> > >   compatability link.  It is actually the primary link.  There should be no
> > >   symlinks in /lib at all.  Only /lib/
> > > 
> Sorry about that, I shouldn't have just take it for granted that these
> symlinks are no longer needed.  Thanks, Peter, for backing it out.
> > GCC should have additional changes then.  It is going to confuse other
> > things to have the symlink in one directory and the real libs in another.
> > 
> I will look into what else is needed in our toolchain to get rid of these
> symlinks, and get back to you, David.

Keep which ever symlinks you want /lib or /usr/lib -- but we should be
totally unambigious as to which are the "real" ones, and don't install
the other.  Installing two sets of symlinks isn't the way to go.
-- David  (obrien at

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