cvs commit: ports/databases/postgresql-tcltk Makefile

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Thu Sep 4 06:08:22 PDT 2003

+-le 04/09/2003 17:01 +0400, Sergey A. Osokin écrivait :
| On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 02:56:03PM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
|> +-le 04/09/2003 05:53 -0700, Sergey A. Osokin ?crivait :
|> | osa         2003/09/04 05:53:28 PDT
|> | 
|> |   FreeBSD ports repository
|> | 
|> |   Modified files:
|> |     databases/postgresql-tcltk Makefile 
|> |   Log:
|> |   Use another way for PortgreSQL slave ports (make without -C),
|> |   because much more people still use old versions of make.
|> |   
|> |   Notify from:    Dan Langille <dan at>
|> |   Submitted by:   Palle Girgensohn <girgen at> (maintainer)
|> |   PR:             56346
|> maybe it should be the same for all the databases/*postgresql* ports, no
|> ?
| At this time all other ports (exclude databases/py-PyGreSQL) already in
| "new scheme" without `make -C'.

Oh, ok, I'll go back to devel/p5-DateTime* :)

Mathieu Arnold
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