cvs commit: ports/databases/p5-DBI Makefile distinfo

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Wed Sep 3 04:28:15 PDT 2003

On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:36:55PM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +-le 03/09/2003 03:12 -0700, Foxfair Hu écrivait :
> | foxfair     2003/09/03 03:12:13 PDT
> | 
> |   FreeBSD ports repository
> | 
> |   Modified files:
> |     databases/p5-DBI     Makefile distinfo 
> |   Log:
> |   Approved by:    vanilla (maintainer)
> |   Upgrade to 1.38
> that may not be a good idea, as it does not support 5.005_03 any more from
> the changelog.
Indeed. Although I'll be the first to cheer when 5.005_03 finally
disappears, I don't think this is the way to force people to upgrade
their perl on 4.x.
If we want to go forward with 1.38, this commit at least also should
have marked this port IGNORE for lower perl versions, thus breaking all
ports depending on DBI for lower perl versions.

This new version also puts us between a rock and a hard place. The new
version breaks too much, but we can't pretend it isn't there and stay
with the old version.

                    _._     _,-'""`-._
Erwin Lansing      (,-.`._,'(       |\`-/|    erwin at       `-.-' \ )-`( , o o)    erwin at
                    -bf-      `-    \`_`"'-
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