cvs commit: src/contrib/gcc/config freebsd-spec.h

David O'Brien obrien at
Mon Sep 1 00:51:54 PDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 04:01:20PM +1000, John Birrell wrote:
> FWIW (probably not much), I support Dan's position on this. I'd like to
> see kse become the default as a true libpthread as has been assumed in
> all the work that those guys have done.
> I'll go one step further and say that I don't think libthr should be in
> the tree. And libc_r should be shot just as soon as kse is functional on
> the tier-1 platforms.

Just to be clear, I am making zero statements about the merits of our
various threading libs.  I am only addressing the options that [our] GCC
supports and how we stay roughly in-sync with the FSF GCC sources and

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