cvs commit: src/release/scripts

Andreas Klemm andreas at
Sun Nov 30 22:55:23 PST 2003

On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 08:40:17PM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
> We really need to decide if disc1 is for servers or desktops.  We've been
> able to kind-of do both for a while now.  But I think we're at the point
> of having to make that hard decision.

If DVD would be our standard distrib we'd have no problems ;-)

What about making CD1 our "complete" server CD and making
another CD (#3) a complete Desktop CD ?

Or vice versa.

Could sysinstall be tought, to change CD-Rom during installation ??
To use CD#1 and CD#3 ?

echo "Do you want to install Desktop services" ?
umount CD
echo "prompt insert CD #3"
mount CD
-> install X11 ... kde, gnome and related utilities ....

Best regards

	Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm - Powered by FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT
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