cvs commit: src/etc src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/share/man/man5 rc.conf.5

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at
Fri Nov 28 02:41:14 PST 2003

Bruce M Simpson wrote:

>>What if /usr/local is NFS mounted?
> Up to the user where they put their isakmpd or racoon package. It is, after
> all, relocatable for such a reason. This merely brings in the infrastructure
> to make running it possible at the right time.
> This would certainly be the case in an embedded [wireless] system.

I'm sorry, but I think an NFS mounted /usr is far more common than an 
NFS directory mounted over IPSEC. I advance that this commit priviledges 
an unusual setup over a more common one. We do install isakmpd on 
/usr/local by default, after all. If a directory depends on isakmpd 
being up, it shouldn't be auto-mounted through fstab, IMHO.

But, alas, what rcNG *does not* do, which is it's greatest flaw IMO, is 
taking into account network dependencies correctly. Network dependencies 
change too much to have it statically ordered, beyond a certain point.

One example is the case above. There are reasonable grounds for wanting 
isakmpd to be up both before and after NFS. Before if you want to mount 
NFS through IPSEC, and after if you keep isakmpd NFS-mounted, and 
doesn't care for encrypted NFS mounts.

Another example is dynamic routers and ntpd. OSPF is very 
time-sensitive, and clock changes can play hell with the routing tables, 
so ntpd ought to be up before OSPF (or ntpdate ran before OSPF is 
brought up), which is no trouble if you have specialized hardware for 
synching the clock. OTOH, the route to ntpd servers might not be up 
before OSPF is run, and ntpd is completely incapable of handling 
non-existent routes (it gets stuck forever on using an incorrect 
interface, and has to be restarted).

Sorry for the rant. :-( I could never think of a solution to this 
problem, and whenever I see a commit where I can see one wanting to do 
things in the very opposite order... it upsets me. :-(

Daniel C. Sobral
Gerência de Operações
Divisão de Comunicação de Dados
Coordenação de Segurança
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail:	Daniel.Capo at
	Daniel.Sobral at
	dcs at

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