cvs commit: ports/lang/ruby18/files patch-eval.c patch-gc.c

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Wed Nov 26 23:39:34 PST 2003

marcel      2003/11/26 23:39:33 PST

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Added files:
    lang/ruby18/files    patch-eval.c patch-gc.c 
  Fix the build on ia64:
  The __libc_ia64_register_backing_store_base variable is defined on
  Linux (in glibc) to allow processes to obtain the base of the RSE
  backing store. On FreeBSD we do not have such a variable. We also
  do not yet have a different interface for processes to use. So, for
  now, hardcode the base address of the RSE backing store as it is
  on FreeBSD. There's little chance this will change in the future,
  so it's not that evil.
  Approved by: portmgr (kris)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1       +12 -0     ports/lang/ruby18/files/patch-eval.c (new)
  1.1       +12 -0     ports/lang/ruby18/files/patch-gc.c (new)

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