cvs commit: ports/x11-toolkits/php-gtk Makefilepatch-ext_c

Alex Kiesel kiesel at
Sat Nov 15 08:18:58 PST 2003

On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 16:03, Dan Langille wrote:
> > Not really:
> > root at boost ttyp2 /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/php-gtk# make -V PORTVERSION
> > 1.0.0 root at boost ttyp2 /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/php-gtk# make
> > master-sites-all
> >
> >
> > 
> > The problem, you are encountering is that php-gtk requires the CLI
> > (command line interface) version of the PHP port. You seem to have
> > installed another type (probably the CGI version), so the
> > build-requirements are not met.
> I am not attempting to build.  I am attempting to obtain the list of 
> master sites.  More specifically, FreshPorts is attempting to obtain 
> this information.  Is this a limitation of the port or of the ports 
> system?

It's a limitation of the PHP4-port. The attached patch should solve your
problem, as the Makefile no longer generates conflicting dependencies
(when you have installed php4-cgi).

OTOH, build problems now may occur, as the port does not build with the
cgi version. By default the correct PHP-version will be installed.

Can someone commit this, or do we need a pr?

- Alex
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