cvs commit: ports/palm/sitescooper Makefile ports/print/adobe-cmaps Makefile ports/print/libgnomeprint20 Makefile ports/print/lilypond Makefile ports/print/tex Makefile ports/print/xdvik Makefile...

Trevor Johnson trevor at
Thu Nov 13 04:54:59 PST 2003

trevor      2003/11/13 04:54:57 PST

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    palm/sitescooper     Makefile 
    print/adobe-cmaps    Makefile 
    print/libgnomeprint20 Makefile 
    print/lilypond       Makefile 
    print/tex            Makefile 
    print/xdvik          Makefile 
    russian/apache13-modssl Makefile 
    science/at           Makefile 
    security/gcipher     Makefile 
    security/l0phtcrack  Makefile 
    security/skip        Makefile 
    sysutils/freesbie    Makefile 
    sysutils/gupsc       Makefile 
    sysutils/whowatch    Makefile 
    textproc/coco        Makefile 
    textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular Makefile 
    textproc/fop         Makefile 
    textproc/html        Makefile 
    textproc/jade        Makefile 
    textproc/p5-RDF-Core Makefile 
    textproc/p5-RDF-Notation3 Makefile 
    textproc/p5-SVG      Makefile 
    textproc/p5-XML-Directory Makefile 
    textproc/py-xml      Makefile 
    textproc/scrollkeeper Makefile 
    www/aolserver        Makefile 
    www/apache13-fp      Makefile 
    www/galeon2          Makefile 
    www/gallery          Makefile 
    www/jakarta-tomcat3  Makefile 
    www/jakarta-tomcat4  Makefile 
    www/jakarta-tomcat41 Makefile 
    www/jakarta-tomcat5  Makefile 
    www/linux-mozilla    Makefile 
    www/linux-mozilla-devel Makefile 
    www/mmosaic          Makefile 
    www/neowebscript     Makefile 
    www/netscape7        Makefile 
    www/orion            Makefile 
    www/wb0              Makefile 
    www/webcpp           Makefile 
    www/zope-guf         Makefile 
    www/zope-zmysqlda    Makefile 
    www/zope-zpt         Makefile 
    www/zope-zwiki       Makefile 
  Use the FIND and XARGS macros introduced in 1.391.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.7       +2 -2      ports/palm/sitescooper/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/print/adobe-cmaps/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/print/libgnomeprint20/Makefile
  1.17      +1 -1      ports/print/lilypond/Makefile
  1.55      +1 -1      ports/print/tex/Makefile
  1.15      +1 -1      ports/print/xdvik/Makefile
  1.41      +1 -1      ports/russian/apache13-modssl/Makefile
  1.2       +2 -1      ports/science/at/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -2      ports/security/gcipher/Makefile
  1.10      +1 -1      ports/security/l0phtcrack/Makefile
  1.26      +4 -4      ports/security/skip/Makefile
  1.3       +1 -1      ports/sysutils/freesbie/Makefile
  1.7       +1 -1      ports/sysutils/gupsc/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -2      ports/sysutils/whowatch/Makefile
  1.59      +1 -1      ports/textproc/coco/Makefile
  1.53      +2 -2      ports/textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -1      ports/textproc/fop/Makefile
  1.16      +1 -1      ports/textproc/html/Makefile
  1.42      +2 -1      ports/textproc/jade/Makefile
  1.4       +1 -1      ports/textproc/p5-RDF-Core/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/textproc/p5-RDF-Notation3/Makefile
  1.4       +1 -1      ports/textproc/p5-SVG/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/textproc/p5-XML-Directory/Makefile
  1.26      +2 -2      ports/textproc/py-xml/Makefile
  1.37      +1 -1      ports/textproc/scrollkeeper/Makefile
  1.16      +1 -1      ports/www/aolserver/Makefile
  1.45      +1 -1      ports/www/apache13-fp/Makefile
  1.124     +1 -1      ports/www/galeon2/Makefile
  1.19      +1 -1      ports/www/gallery/Makefile
  1.39      +1 -1      ports/www/jakarta-tomcat3/Makefile
  1.45      +1 -1      ports/www/jakarta-tomcat4/Makefile
  1.49      +1 -1      ports/www/jakarta-tomcat41/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/www/jakarta-tomcat5/Makefile
  1.28      +2 -2      ports/www/linux-mozilla-devel/Makefile
  1.27      +2 -2      ports/www/linux-mozilla/Makefile
  1.9       +1 -1      ports/www/mmosaic/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -2      ports/www/neowebscript/Makefile
  1.76      +3 -3      ports/www/netscape7/Makefile
  1.56      +1 -1      ports/www/orion/Makefile
  1.9       +1 -1      ports/www/wb0/Makefile
  1.2       +1 -1      ports/www/webcpp/Makefile
  1.3       +1 -1      ports/www/zope-guf/Makefile
  1.4       +1 -1      ports/www/zope-zmysqlda/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -2      ports/www/zope-zpt/Makefile
  1.5       +1 -1      ports/www/zope-zwiki/Makefile

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