cvs commit: src/lib/libbsnmp Makefile Makefile src/lib/libbsnmp/modules/snmp_mibII Makefile

Harti Brandt brandt at
Tue Nov 11 00:13:10 PST 2003

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Dag-Erling [iso-8859-1] Sm?rgrav wrote:

DS>Harti Brandt <brandt at> writes:
DS>> No, mine. Although the universe made it just fine, the tinderbox breaks.
DS>> I'm just testing a fix.
DS>See attached fix for 'make universe'.

Actually I always look at the output from the universe so I see when an
error happens. The problem was different: the original source does an
#include "foo.h" for a file that will end up in a subdirectory of
/usr/include. This is done so that a standalone build will find the
include file. The makefile for the standalone build has a -I directive
that points to the right package sub-directory. I was under the impression
that during stage 4.2 of buildworld (building libraries) the INCLUDEDIR
points to the temporary environment in /usr/obj/.... That is, however, not
the case. INCLUDEDIR points to /usr/include. Unfortunately on my build
system I already had the /usr/include subdirectory populated so the build
went through successfully, but failed obviously in the tinderbox.

harti brandt,
brandt at, harti at

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