cvs commit: src/lib/libc/locale big5.c euc.c mskanji.c utf8.c

Andrey Chernov ache at
Sun Nov 2 14:35:21 PST 2003

On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 09:19:34AM +1100, Tim Robbins wrote:

> I was considering just making them aliases for GB18030 and UTF-8. I 
> don't see how this could break anything, but maybe I'll do a little 
> research into how other systems handle GBK/GB18030; UTF2 doesn't really 
> matter, since it's slated for removal in 6.0.

Aliases are bad sometimes, because they expand standard scope. Imagine 
what happens in case you alias ASCII to ISO8859-1 (you'll got high bit 
characters junk as printable ones).

Andrey Chernov |

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